Thursday, October 1, 2009

Post MIF Answers #2 (U.S. Centric)

1) [...]My current goal is to become a CFO, is that possible?

I totally agree that LBS MiF will help you in that regard. This year has been really tough on LBS graduates. most people had to go back to their original employers, or worse yet, take a job they have not wanted. I think times are getting better though.

What I'm trying to get at is many people coming to LBS had the illusion that the degree would automatically get them a highly desirable job.

2) Do you know if the Milkrounds also include opportunities back in the US?

Very minimal. I tried being proactive and wanted to organize a career trek to the US, but I received no support from career services. Career services have targeted marketing efforts where they sit down with employers and pretty much market the students prior to academic year start. They cannot do that for the US companies, so that's why there aren't many opportunities in the US

3) Are you looking to come back to the states or stay overseas? Do you have a choice?

Not really for the time being.

In general, I think you should assume that there's 80% chance you will stay in London post-grad unless you have/make good contacts and arrangements in the US prior to coming to London. Also, LBS brand name means a lot in Europe, but people in the US are not very aware of it. Many people asked me why I wasn't going to LSE, since they think it's a better business school.

4) How does your healthcare work during the program? Since that is on every news cast here in the states these days.

Good and bad. Your entire family would have free health care, called NHS. You first register with a GP (general practitioner - like PCP in the US), then for any problems you visit him/her. The GP may direct you to a hospital to see a specialist. The service is fast, you don't wait ages before seeing a doctor. There are also a few unpleasant things about it. They don't run enough tests since they are on a limited state budget. Still pretty good.

Post-MIF Answers to some questions

I've been getting quite a few emails recently from people considering whether or not to apply / join LBS. Hope this helps.


* Once you have completed the program, could you please explain your overall opinion?

It was great. Biggest complaint was the core (mandatory) course modules in the first semester, especially if you arent into accounting and corporate finance. I wasn't. Smart people, great classes to take.

* Was the Master worthy in terms of personal experience and education received? Did you regret not to have taken an MBA from a top tier Business School

No. I already have an MBA and MIF was a 1000 times better. Just cut out all the b.s. and get down to business. Reputation wise, there is a problem though, since everyone knows LBS MBA, but not very familiar with MIF. That's not a big problem in London though. Esp. hedge funds and PE shops prefer MIFs rather than MBAs.

* Did you receive offers that fulfill your expectations, despite the current economic/financial situation?

Yes, I work for a hedge fund. I had another offer as a quant associate from a mutual fund, but I chose the hedge fund. I had found the HF prior to MIF thru networking, did a summer internship here, and worked part time during the year. School did not like it, but I didn't care. At the end I ended up with a great job. It took a lot of working, studying as well as sacrifice from the social and family life. It's doable though and I would highly recommend doing so.

* And your classmates, did they receive attractive offers as well?

Not all of them. The ones that got offers were the ones that had laser sharp focus in one area. Being a "jack of all trades" is not a good thing during market downturns. People want employees they can rely on, ones that are proven and has shown dedication to one and only one field. This effect is more pronounced when the jobs are scarce.

* Any additional positive or negative comments about the program that you would like to point out?

MIF project can be a big pain in the *ss, or it can be a great thing fr your resume. Try to make the most out of it. Get a feeling for the people first, and pick someone that is reliable